How Nola changed a child's life...
A young girl who was struggling with confidence and to find her place in the world was gifted with Nola the WorryWoo. She instantly connected with Nola and felt like someone got her – she no longer felt so overwhelmed and isolated. From that day forward something changed in her, as the days went on, her confidence grew, she started stepping out of her comfort zone, making new friends and joining in on activities that she never would have before. What some people may have just seen as a plush toy, this little girl accepted with open arms as her confidant, friend and safe place.
Years later, as she reflected on just how meaningful Nola was to her, she took the time to write us an email to share how valued Nola is in her life. Her story reinforced the message that these tangible emotional characters, mixed with a child's imagination allows for friendships to occur and safe bonds to be created. This makes way for courage to be built, barriers to be broken down and fear to be shattered.
For a child to have a friendship with a plush toy is not only OK, it allows for a gap to be filled in that child’s life that only their imagination knows how to fill. By being given the space, time and opportunity to have conversations with the plush toy – the child can re-affirm a message of self-worth, acceptance and encouragement to themselves that they need at that exact time in their life.
More than a plush, these soft toys provide safety, security and someone to connect with... and they have an ability to make an impact in the child's life that they will carry with them forever.